More Free Ethnography Videos

…some more libre ethnography videos under CC Licenses. this means you can use them for your teaching and even cut them, (re-) dub them, remix them with other videos for comparison, whatever – as long as you show a credit to the creator and a link to the license.

What is it like to be 16?

Creative Commons 3 BY

The Sixteen Module at the NYC iSchool from christina jenkins on Vimeo.

How do people choose the meat they buy?

A presentation of  in-context research.

Creative Commons 3 BY

Street Research Insights Pitch Three from The Design Gym on Vimeo.


»Audiovisual ethnography on systematic precarisation of labour migrants in Munich« A longer film (\~30min), its mostly in German.
German, Türkish (?)

Creative Commons 3 BY

Oeffnungszeiten from Felix Rem on Vimeo.

The Craft of Surgery

A tailor and a surgeon talk about the similarities or surgery and tailoring.

Creative Commons 3 BY

The Craft of Surgery from Crafts Council on Vimeo.