…some more libre ethnography videos under CC Licenses. this means you can use them for your teaching and even cut them, (re-) dub them, remix them with other videos for comparison, whatever – as long as you show a credit to the creator and a link to the license.
What is it like to be 16?
The Sixteen Module at the NYC iSchool from christina jenkins on Vimeo.
How do people choose the meat they buy?
A presentation of in-context research.
Street Research Insights Pitch Three from The Design Gym on Vimeo.
»Audiovisual ethnography on systematic precarisation of labour migrants
in Munich« A longer film (\~30min), its mostly in German.
German, Türkish (?)
Oeffnungszeiten from Felix Rem on Vimeo.
The Craft of Surgery
A tailor and a surgeon talk about the similarities or surgery and tailoring.
The Craft of Surgery from Crafts Council on Vimeo.