Finding Group Titles in Sticky Notes Clustering

Affinity Diagram with several levels of groupings in a hierarchy Image: Affinity Diagram with several levels of groupings in a hierarchy

Grouping sticky notes aka affinity diagramming is a method for analyzing comments, ideas, quotes, observations etc. (aka qualitative data) by clustering similar data (which is on sticky notes) and giving these clusters of data a summarizing title.

I noted …

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Illusions of Cognitive Illusions

Cognitive Illusions, common patterns of »irrational thinking« should be overcome: There are books that tell you about these errors and how to avoid them and you can also get an infographic with a list of these, warning you in bright colors. However, it seems that some research on biases may …

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Why do beginners rely so heavily on tutorials?

»I'm always amazed at how beginning coders rely so heavily on tutorials. If your library doesn't have a tutorial, it doesn't exist.«
Nolan Lawson/ ‏@nolanlawson (link to tweet)

Indeed: From my own experience it is nearly impossible to learn a library (or programming language or mathematical method or…) without a …

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Reactive Views and the needed JavaScript Toolchain

Reactive Views are the big thing in the Applications-with-JavaScript field. Applications-with-JavaScript are mostly slightly more interactive Web pages. The basic idea is that, when you change the underlying data (Let’s say a username), the library figures out how to update what you see on the screen.

The big player …

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Writing Links

Writing good text to appear as a link is admittedly not the most exciting topic. But if you do it right, you can avoid hassle for the user and improve accessibility.

Let’s start with an anti-pattern: The »click here« link. I use it myself. But it is a bad …

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Exploratory Data Analysis

If you do anything related to research and data you will have been in contact with numerical summaries, like average, standard deviation and – more complex and more often abused – the sacred p value, tool of truthiness creation in quantitative research. By reducing your dataset to a single value, you reduce …

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